
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Five Countries With Highest Salary

There is no harm in trying working abroad.

Have you ever wondered about which country pays its employees with high salaries? Did you ever think that you are not paid in accordance with the responsibilities of your job, and you're looking for work in other countries that can provide a higher salary than you are now?

Sometimes we think, we work from morning to night and even late into the night, but the salary earned is always just barely to make ends meet or even less to meet our needs. Have moved from one company to another company, but still feel the same way. Increasingly burdened with a lot of job responsibilities, but it is not adapted to the salary you receive. Maybe it's time you tried to find a job outside of your country.

Here is a list of five countries that pay the salaries of its employees is very high, the amount can make you richer than your imagination for this.

1. The Netherlands
The Netherlands has one of the largest and busiest port in the whole of Europe, which is also one of the main reasons why the average salary for the Netherlands to be around $ 47,000 ($ 29,000 USD) if the rupiahkan to Rp. 377 million per year. However they required to pay taxes on 38% of their income on things like health and education, that is why the Netherlands has a very good health care and good education. Gain to the Dutch are working outside the home are not too SFC are on average 35 hours a week.

2. South Korea
South Korea is the country's fastest growing not only in Asia, but around the world. South Korea is the sixth largest exporter and tenth largest importer in the world and highly dependent on foreign trade for its strong support to the economy. The country is also one of the largest energy exporter. Yes, the country is producing nuclear energy so much that they sold it to neighboring countries. The average wage per person in south korea is $ 35,406 USD (Rp. 460 278 000) with private taxed at 12%. But the disadvantage is the average hours they work in a week is 45 hours.

3. Norway
Norway is one of the richest countries in terms of natural resources, including oil, hydropower, fisheries, and mining. Similarly, the Netherlands, Norway has universal health care and higher education, but this, of course, come from the 30% tax of $ 44,000 per year on average income ($ 31.101 USD) if the rupiahkan average salary per year They were Rp. 404 313 000. Although they taxed big enough for their menghasilan but it pays off with much free time at their disposal for the whole of Norway only has an average working time of 30 hours per week.

4. Canada
Canada is a country that has the second largest oil cadagan in the world after Saudi Arabia. In addition, the country is also rich in zinc, uranium, gold, nickel, aluminum, and agricultural wealth of the area. The average annual income of Canadians is $ 42,000, but has a higher tax rate of 23%. But of course the tax cut of their use to pay for public health and public education. And Canada has an average working time of 32 hours during the week.

5. Australia
Australia has one of the strongest economies in the world and is a major exporter of food and oil and minerals, and very little imported goods. Australia's average income is $ 44.983 per year at the rate of about 23%, which, of course, is allocated to education and good health for its citizens. The average hours of work in Australia is 35 hours a week.

How, keen to migrate to one of the above countries. If you have the ability, why not, there is no harm in trying.


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