
Monday, July 6, 2015

Angeline Killed : One Sydney Ready To Lay Out the Involvement of Margriet Children

Alleged involvement of Margriet Christina Megawe child, Yvonne Caroline Megawe in the murder of Angeline (8 years) began to unfold.

New witnesses began to dare to appear relevant indications of the alleged involvement of the princess Margriet.

Siti Sapurah or Ipung, child protection activist said it has set up a witness who had been active with the initials C communicate with Yvonne associated with fundraising in an effort to find Angeline.

Ipung had time to meet and talk with C, an Australian man who had ten years living in Bali and was married to a Javanese.

"This C instead of an NGO. He cares, because she also had a child 3 years old," he said. , According Ipung, C is actually the person who helped found Angeline.

Introduction of C with Yvonne started on Angeline loss. Angeline any loss news spread through social media. Of telephone communication and short message service, Yvonne ask aid money.

"There's account number to transfer," said Ipung. Demand for money was up to Rp 250 million. Ipung even accused loss news Angeline Yvonne sell to earn money.

C tried to help what is needed by Yvonne to find Angeline. "Importantly, Angeline met. So the first language," said Ipung.

Finally, C flyers loss news Angeline who spent Rp 40 million. "After that, appeared in social media. Yvonne alternating contacting these people, the language, that there are people of Banyuwangi said Angeline taken to Banyuwangi and ransom so, please transfer. Once the language," said Ipung.

The next day, Yvonne said there were people of Sidoarjo sent a message demanding a ransom of Rp 150 million. Otherwise, Angeline did not survive. "There is evidence the SMS everything. Not only that, Yvonne also always pursue," he said.

"If it's true it's taken the child, should the police report, why did he ask for money," he said. This seems strange signs Yvonne legible, so that C does not transfer money.

"Because there is a suspicion of this person, intentionally (wear) this missing language to dibisniskan earn money," he said.

C actually has also set up his own money amounting to Rp 20 million. According Ipung, this is one indication of Yvonne's involvement in the case.

"There is evidence of an SMS. He asked to be transferred as soon as possible. Yvonne is SMS. But the SMS language of the people who kidnapped," he said.

Ipung plans will take this person to the Bali Police on Monday, July 6th, 2015.


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