
Thursday, January 28, 2016

18 Heaven Places in Yogyakarta Hidden

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta usually recommended people are usually not far from Malioboro, the palace and its surroundings. Kemudain if you are asked about the famous tour in Yogyakarta then the answer is definitely Borobudur and Prambanan, Parangtritis, Malioboro, Yogyakarta Palace and a popular eat it.

As the City of Tourism, distinctive charm Jogja was centered in the dot-points are always crowded with visitors. But for true adventurers and travelers, were treated to something that is already mainstream tends to be boring. Moreover, a lot of interesting places in Yogyakarta were still hidden, not popular, but it offers the charm that is not less interesting than the tourist spots that are already popular. Here we will uncover the hidden heavens in Yogyakarta so that your vacation more memorable story and has a novelty among the other comrades story.

1. Traditional Gondola In Timang beach

First tourist attractions in Yogyakarta which is also famous for its beautiful beaches. Not beaches like in general, but there is also a unique beach. Tourist attractions in the form of this unique beach you'll find at timang beach. Timang beach this condition is similar to the beaches of the south in general: big choppy and steep cliffs and rocky coral. Special, on this beach there is a traditional gondola made of rope and wooden stakes used commonly attached to you are challenged to climb up coral islands off the coast. Gondola is commonly used by fishermen to find lobster on coral island with waves setingnggi at least 5 meters. calm, gondola is safe for you. Always check security every day.

2. On the sand dunes Snowboarding Parangkusumo

Tourist attractions in Jogja both still on the south coast of Yogyakarta. However, the emphasis in this one place is not the beauty of the beaches, it offers a new style of snowboarding sport: sandboarding! Yes. Your usual media experience snowboarding without the snow, but on sandbanks in Parangkusumo. Sandbanks there are only two places in the world. The first in Mexico, and the second in Parangkusumo Jogja. Here you can feel the thrill down the dune with a surfboard safely even for beginners. Well, of course. If it falls ever you fall in the sand, ukan in asphalt.

3. Climbing in Siung Jogja

Tourist attractions in Jogja this ketidga need to travel through the south coast peisir Jogja, until you find a beach with the name Siung. Jau here is not different from the situation with the other beaches, but the hidden paradise is high cliffs and steep shore that you can climb. Siung This is the best place for lovers of the sport of rock climbing. Cliff on the beach appeal is outstanding. Increased adrenaline when climbing up a cliff crevices combined with the pleasure of a view of the southern ocean blue mixed with large waves crashing chasing each other up broke at the bottom of the cliff. There are approximately 250 climbing path to choose. What are you waiting for? Immediately rushed to Siung Jogja.

4. White Sandy Beach Pok Single

No one ever told me in a tone of disappointment if most of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, especially the beach, not as beautiful as imagined because the sandy gray. But this disappointment would not meet if it is to try one of the white sand beach in Jogja: Single Pok Beach. Single Pok beach location is still hidden (although now increasingly crowded), and to reach this place you can use the vehicle along the east coast Indrayanti. This iconic beach with trees Duras is the history of naming this beautiful beach. This tree has the base of a tree or a group of one, hence the name Single Pok. The scenery is guaranteed not disappoint.

5. Remains of ancient Hindu civilization in Sambisari

For those of you that infatuated with relics of ancient Hindu civilization that had controlled the land of Java in the first era, the sights Jogja this one you must visit. His name Sambisari. It lies in the hamlet Purwomartani. Which makes this temple unique is its location which is 6.5 meters lower than the surrounding land. There's no entrance fee, making this temple is increasingly becoming a tourist paradise hidden. You will also find lots of artistic relief around Sambisari. Yet with a statue of the goddess Shiva and Goddess Durga exotic, can be found in the temple area which was once paddy fields began in 1996 and renovated by archaeologists.

6. Rural and Forest Tourism Kalibiru

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta to six, no less interesting to visit there in the mountains Manoreh, Kulon Progo district. Here there Kalibiru, villages and forests are becoming eco-tourism is not widely known. Forest kaibiru tour is suitable for you who inigin menaikmati trekking with beautiful background of green trees.

7. Cave Tubing in Goa Pindul

For you fans of Cave Tubing or caving, then the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that best can be visited is Goa Pindul. Pindul Goa is one of the cave formed by the process of karst rock over millions of years to form caves and underground rivers are very exotic. In this place you could choose, would like caving, or can also enjoy underground Sungi in groups with the tire wear as body rafting. Goa Pindul always crowded with tourists and this hidden paradise is on the rise. If interested, please come to Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

8. A trip to the Sugar Factory Madukismo

Often we just enjoy the food and minnuman are already available over the counter, but berlum never even (want to) know the manufacturing process. For example, we often mix the sugar to coffee or tea, from which plants come from? Where he made? What is the process to be a packet of sugar that can be directly we buy in the market or mini? That question will be answered all of the sights on this one: Sugar Factory Madukismo. In the agro-based industry where we will be treated to the process of making sugar from sugar cane until it becomes commonplace we consume. Remember that they were poor, Bantul. It is recommended to visit in May to September alias milling season arrives.

9. The Maestro Affandi Museum Painting Indonesia Origin Jogja

Besides titled Tourism City, Jogja also known as the City of the Arts. Jogja birth of qualified artists who have a famous name in the national and international scope. Field also varied, from who works as a sculptor, contemporary artists, artists of music, theater, through painting. For the latter, if interested, we suggest you to visit the Museum Affandi. In this place saved immortal works of an Indonesian painting maestro Jogja, Affandi. Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is located at the edge of the Gajah Wong, precisely Jalan Adisucipto Laksda 167. Enough with entrance fee of Rp 20 thousand, you can enjoy hundreds of masterpiece Affandi in it.

10. Romanticism in Upper Bukit Bintang

Furthermore, there are natural attractions in Jogja which further confirms that Yogyakarta is the best place for you who are in search of romance. The romance of Jogja tour can be found at the top of Bukit Bintang. Located at Jalan Bukit star Jogja-Wonosari. Instantly you enter the area uphill and berbelak-turn, you are offered a lot of options stalls are ready to pamper you with delicious food and of course the night view of the city of Yogyakarta were amazing. From the top of the hill you are treated to a sprinkling of stars in the sky, looking down and if you are exposed to a stretch of the points of light of various colors of the homes of Yogyakarta. Complete sensation while enjoying grilled corn with your loved ones. Romantic, is not it?

11. Niagara Sri Gethuk

When I got home from Siung back to the city of Yogyakarta, it is advisable to stop by Niagara Sri Gethuk located in Gunung Kidul. one of which is the beauty of water in free fall down from the height of a charming, which can be found in the Niagara region of Sri Gethuk. The address is at the Tourism Village Blebean, at Oya River gorge. This waterfall flows on the sidelines of a typical karst rock Gunung Kidul and incessantly flowing though the dry season.

12. The coolness and freshness of pine forests Mangunan

Which city in the world become more and not getting hot? There seemed no. This condition is also experienced by the city of Yogyakarta. Visit Yogyakarta part of the city is still special, but if the stifling atmosphere, where we can enjoy the privilege of Yogyakarta with meksimal? Not being appointed who is wrong, but we're recommending an attraction Jogja masinh hidden but can be a place to escape for a moment of fatherly gerahnya city. This place is Pine Forest Mangunan in Dlingo area, Bantul. Offered by this place other than the coolness and freshness of the air is a beautiful landscape. Rows of pine forests and regular meetings are also suitable for you who like to take pictures. In these places often used for Lokai shooting because the location is exotic. Escape from here, you can go on to the orchard shopping Mangunan for fresh fruits.

13. Light of Heaven in Cave Jomblang

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta to thirteen which is located not far from the southern part of Yogyakarta is a hidden cave called Gua Jomblang. Are among the karst area of ​​Gunung Kidul, vertical cave is best visited when the sun is at the top of the head, or around 10-12 o'clock noon. That way, once you are inside the cave, you will be treated to bright light that comes into the cave through the crevice cave where you entered. "Light of heaven" is very beautiful. Yet with vegetation typical of the ancient cave aged, increasingly make browsing more memorable.

14. Swimming in Curug Indah Tegalrejo

If Niagara Sri Gethuk only can you enjoy the scenery alone, then Jiaka visit to Curug Indah Tegalrejo you can enjoy the waterfalls and curugnya to swim at will! It is located in Tegalrejo, Gunung Kidul, directly adjacent to Bayat, Klaten, Central Java. This hidden paradise is also no entrance fee or free, only need to pay the parking fee only. But be careful if you want to jump into the waterfall, because the waterfall is quite shallow.

15. Victims of Merapi Eruption Possessions In my treasure Remnants Museum

Jogja society is a society that is familiar with the disaster. This is because it lies between Mount Merapi which is still active in the north, and the south coast of tsunami-prone south. Location Merapi eruption in 2010 and now transformed into an attractive tourist area of ​​Yogyakarta because here you can see a variety of objects Merapi eruption victims of that terrible. There is a motor carcass, carcass beef bones, until gamelan burning also. Location tourist attractions in Yogyakarta have my treasure Remnants Museum made by Mr. Riyanto in Kepulharjo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

16. The Romance On Bukit Parangndog

After a rather tense, it's time you lower the tension by getting a loved one to a romantic spot in the south of Yogyakarta: Bukit Parangdog. The same path with the path to the beach Parangtritis, but you must turn east towards the street rather steep and winding until you find the romantic hills. Tourist attractions in Jogja is usually used as a runway paragliding. The view from this place is unusually good. You can look at Parangtritis until Parangkusumo of height. Open sea in front of our eyes, large extend to the horizon are flushed when we arrived there during the afternoon.

17. Place Shopping in Beringharjo

Reference your shopping while visiting tourist attractions in Yogyakarta perhaps immediately drawn to Beringharjo. Well, actually there is nowhere else to satisfy your shopping desires. His name is Sunmor or Sunday Morning. Sunmor is a kind of spill market that will only find on Sunday at the Regional University of Gadjah Mada (UGM). Beringharjo Jogjakarta is suitable to accompany your morning in Jogja. After a breath of fresh air while walking around enjoying the morning air or while jogging, you might as well stop by for an impromptu market with a variety of goods that captivate. Clothes? Exist. Special snacks? Many. Accessories? Available. Shoes? Bag? Just select it. In Sunday Morning This is a shopping paradise because in addition to the diversity of students that are sold, but the price offered is also cheap.

If your evening stroll to the plaza north and find the crowd, then you are obliged to stop by because it is a sign that the crowd was there Sekaten! Sekaten is sort of a night market with a strong populist atmosphere. In place of tourist nights in Jogja besides you can see what items like night markets elsewhere, variety of games also can try. Jogja food and beverages will also be easy to meet. And of course, because you're in a place that is famous living bebriaya cheap, the price is very fit in the bag. Come visit this place.

18. Kali Code Bantaran

Yogyakarta last tour was titled sights, but worth a visit if you are curious: what exactly the picture of society Jogja Java described as easy going and friendly that? Tourist attractions in Jogjakarta which must be visited are Bantaran the Code. Code River flows from the foot of Mount Merapi, until it ends on the south coast. On the riverbank in the city of Yogyakarta is where you can surfing among the narrow alleys, mingle with the original residents of Yogyakarta, and if lucky, you can watch the Clean River Festival, held each year.

That was heaven-paradise hidden in Jogja can be visited with the family. Jogja is special and one thing is for sure, there is a sense of longing when you have to leave the old. But everything will be remembered better if you had time to visit the hidden paradise in tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that we offer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Google's Revenue From Android Revealed at Trial Against Oracle.

As a popular mobile operating system in the world, Android of course adopted by many. Thanks to Android Similarly, there has been a lot of buying and selling transactions, such as in app purchase (purchase applications) and in-app purchase (purchases within the application).

In early 2016, Google is known grossed higher than Android. This was revealed by a lawyer Oracle, which is proclaimed by Bloomberg, as quoted by The Verge, Sunday (01/24/2016).

During the trial last week in an ongoing lawsuit between Oracle and Google, the lawyer revealed that Google obtains the value of income thanks to Android is US $ 31 million, while the profit achieved value reached US $ 22 million.

The figure, according to Google, is confidential and should not be revealed publicly, including in court.

Google then asked the judge to review the sentence in transcription editorial and sealed as Oracle attorney revealing information from documents that Google affirm only to the lawyer, not to be revealed to the public.

"Google is not openly allocate revenues or profits separately for Android from Google's general business, highly sensitive, non-public financial data, and disclosure to the public could lead to a significant negative effect on the business of Google," Google's lawyers wrote in the filing.

Oracle itself does not explain how they could get that number. But if it is true Google has earned $ 31 million, which means that Google's revenue has been received from Android smaller than the income obtained from the Apple iPhone sales in the fourth quarter of 2015, with a revenue value of US $ 32.2 million.

Oracle lawsuit filed in 2010 accusing Google uses a modified version of Java - which is owned by Oracle - to develop Android without compensation to Oracle. Google won the initial decision, but the decision to cancel further appeal and decided winning Oracle.

Then last year the Supreme Court refused to hear the latest appeal of Google, so the ruling remains winning Oracle.

The current value of the compensation speculation that Oracle would receive from Google, and it is unclear whether the creator of Android will have to pay more than US $ 1 billion.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Large Earthquake Hit India, 19,727 die.

An earthquake of 7.9 on the Richter scale hit western India and parts of Pakistan. As a result, tens of thousands of people were killed. Headquartered in the city of Bhuj, Gujarat state, the tremor caused most residents are preparing to celebrate the Indian Independence dying. Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee immediately held an emergency meeting and declared a state of emergency in keaadaan. He asked the people to mutual cooperation to help the victims. The earthquake occurred at 8:50 pm local time. It was a national holiday. Many residents were preparing to join the procession arakkan Indian independence day 52, as quoted by the BBC Onthisday. Earth plate movement was the deadliest earthquake in the history of India. An earthquake 'only' within 2 minutes, killing 19,727 people and 166 thousand injured, according to Indian health authorities. More than 550 aftershocks occurred until March. 21 of the 25 districts in Gujarat severely damaged. Health facilities overwhelmed received a lot of injuries while their building was destroyed. Thousands of people were forced to set up tents, and doctors are forced to handle the victim in the street. While the critically injured victim was taken by helicopter. "This is the worst experience of my life. I must say, the longest day," said Anil Chadha, supervisors and doctors at the hospital Ahmedaba. Millions of people lost their homes, even one year later there are still many residents living in tents and shelters. On the same day in 1936, the mutilation murder of terror haunt Cleveland, Ohio USA. The first victim was found in a basket and some plastic bags. The third victim of a woman aged 42 years, 18 months later died truncated. Panic struck, and people called him 'Mad Bucher' because the pieces are so precise.
At the June 1936 another victim was found in a state of headless. 2 years later, the total death toll reached dozens. Police despair. The only butcher in the town was named Frank Dolezal. He was interrogated 40 hours until he confessed that he killed Florence Polillo, the first victim. However, he often replace recognition and eventually committed suicide before the trial began. Nevertheless, many people doubted Dolezal is a serial killer. Many people think the real perpetrators are still alive and have connections with politicians and local officials. Dolezal material immediately destroyed moment he died. Attack 'Mad Butcher' stopped after Dolezal suicide. However, the identity of the actual perpetrator is still a mystery ... until now.

Monday, January 25, 2016

15 tourist attractions in Bali must be visited

Located in the east of Java, Bali is Indonesia tourism excellent that famous around the world. Besides well-known with its natural beauty, especially its beaches, Bali is also famous with the arts and culture are unique and interesting.

Bali as a tourist destination which complete and integrated has many interesting sights, what are the tourist attractions in Bali must be visited?

1. Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach is a tourist place in Bali's most famous and most visited by tourists because of its location close to the airport, beautiful beaches, low cost, and the waves are perfect for novice surfers. Kuta beach is also famous for the panoramic sun sinking very beautiful. Unique facts of Kuta Beach Kuta Beach was before becoming a tourist spot in Bali that must be visited, as now, Kuta Beach is a major port, a trading center in Bali. With white sand and blue sea, is equipped with a very complete supporting facilities, Kuta Beach is a prime of Bali tourist spot.

2. Lot Island Temple

Pura Tanah Lot is one of the tourist spots in Bali which is famous for its beauty, especially at sunset. Pura Tanah Lot consisting of two pieces of the temple is a temple where worship the god of the sea. The uniqueness of Pura Tanah Lot is the temple is located on top of a large rock on the seafront. At the time of high tide, you can not get closer to Pura Tanah Lot as a buffer around the rock of Tanah Lot sea will be flooded. At low tide you can see some sea snakes tame which according to the locals is a guard of Pura Tanah Lot. Moreover, in this location you can also hold sacred snake docile and harmless.

3. Padang Padang Beach

Padang Padang beach may be less well known than the Kuta beach, but the beach of Padang Padang beach is very beautiful and unique. At the time I first came to Padang Padang Beach also I think that this beach is the beach is not attractive because it is less well known, but apparently I was wrong. Padang Padang beach is a small beach hidden behind a cliff in the area of Pecatu, near Uluwatu. To be able to reach Padang Padang Beach, you must pass through a staircase that divides the cliff. Padang Padang beach is not large and spacious, but very beautiful and interesting place to visit. Most visitors Padang Padang Beach is foreign travelers as Padang Padang Beach less famous among tourists in the country.

4. Beratan Bedugul Lake

Bedugul Bratan Lake is a lake located in a mountainous area with beautiful natural atmosphere. The uniqueness of Lake Bratan Bedugul is the existence of the temple named Ulun Danu. Ulun Danu Beratan located on the edge of Lake Bedugul and is one of the main attractions of Lake Bratan Bedugul. In addition, tourists can also enjoy a game of water and rent a boat on Lake Bratan Bedugul.

5. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)

Garuda Wisnu Kencana, or commonly abbreviated GWK is a cultural tourist park located in South Bali. Garuda Wisnu Kencana is a huge sculpture works of I Nyoman Nuarta. Currently, Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue has not been fully completed, only some of which have been completed, but even so you can still enjoy the splendor of the Garuda Wisnu Kencana. In addition to the statue, you can also see the beauty of the limestone hill is cut into large blocks of limestone. This limestone blocks will be filled with sculpture. Additionally in the Garuda Wisnu Kencana also include theater arts, you can enjoy various types of dance and Balinese arts in this theater every day.

6. Lovina Beach

Lovina beach may not be too often heard among tourists. Lovina Beach is one of the tourist spots in Bali is my favorite because of Lovina we can see dolphins swimming and jumping in their natural habitat. Located in Northern Bali near Singaraja City, you will go to sea and see the dolphins using fishing boats. Lovina Beach Dolphins playing on the beach in the morning, therefore tourists are usually set off from the coast starting at 6 am.

7. Pura Besakih

Besakih temple is a temple located at the foot of Mount Agung, and is the largest temple in Bali. In Besakih Hindu religious ceremonies are often held as Besakih believed to be a sacred place, and is the mother of all temples in Bali. Besakih is built with the concept of the balance of God, man, and nature or often referred to as the Tri Hita Karana. To be able to enter the area Besakih, you should use gloves that can be borrowed in the vicinity of Besakih.

8. Pura Uluwatu

Uluwatu is one of the tourist spots in Bali which is above a cliff jutting into the sea. Uluwatu Temple not only offers Balinese religious atmosphere, but also offers a panorama of beauty, especially the beauty of the sinking sun is already very well known. In Uluwatu you will meet with a number of monkeys that are believed to function maintain the sanctity of Uluwatu. To enter the area of Uluwatu, you should use gloves and a scarf is a symbol of respect for the sanctity of Uluwatu.

9. Jimbaran Beach

Jimbaran Beach is one of the tourist spots in Bali's most famous. By the time you come to Jimbaran Beach, the first time you will see is a row of tables and chairs on the white sand beautiful. Jimbaran beach famous for culinary edge of the beach, especially sea dishes. Jimbaran beach for those of you who want to travel to the beach while enjoying Balinese culinary. No need to worry about eating at Jimbaran Beach because the waves at Jimbaran Beach is very quiet, did not jeopardize those of you who were eating on the beach.

10. Sangeh Monkey Forest

Sangeh Monkey Forest is a tourist place in Bali that will bring you one with nature. Located in Ubud, Bali, Sangeh Monkey Forest is a forest inhabited by many wild monkeys. These monkeys are considered sacred by the locals so that should not be disturbed and allowed to live in the woods Sangeh. Monkeys in Sangeh Monkey Forest really liked the food, they will try to get the food you take, even if the food is in your bag. In this place you will witness the lives of hundreds of monkeys that are unique and interesting.

11. Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa bordering Nusa Dua, Bali is the center of water sports activities and games in Bali. Characteristics of Tanjung Benoa beach is very quiet, so it is suitable for various kinds of exciting water games. Types of water games that you can play here, namely snorkel, sea walker, banana boat, parasailing, wakeboard, waterski, jetski, scuba diving, donut boat, flying fish, and others. In addition you can also go see a giant turtle in the turtle island by boat from Tanjung Benoa.

12. Danau Batur Kintamani

Lake Batur Kintamani is one of Bali's natural charm. Located on the second highest mountain in Bali, Lake Batur Kintamani has cool weather and spectacular scenery. Kintamani Batur Lake is the largest lake in Bali which is much visited by tourists because it offers a view like no other in Bali.

13. Uluwatu Kecak Dance

Kecak is a Balinese dance the most famous and most interesting to see. Of the many places that show drag Kecak, I think the most interesting is the Kecak Uluwatu located at Uluwatu. Kecak Uluwatu Kecak Balinese demonstrates against the background of sunset at Uluwatu very beautiful. Kecak Uluwatu very popular and crowded therefore if you want to watch the show Kecak Uluwatu, I suggest to the message from the distant days.

14. Telaga Waja River Rafting

Telaga Waja River Rafting is suitable for those who love fun and challenging activities. Telaga Waja River has a clear and clean water and rapids that challenge. At the end of the rafting you will skip a sluice, very exciting. When finished enjoy Rafting Telaga Waja River, you will get a bonus in the form of trekking up the mountain, therefore, prepare yourself and rest enough because Telaga Waja River Rafting will drain your energy.

15. Ayung River Rafting

Ayung River Rafting has different characteristics in Telaga Waja River Rafting. When Telaga Waja River Rafting offers a challenge, then the Ayung River Rafting offers a beauty. Panorama along the Ayung River is very beautiful, plus sculptures on the banks of the river, and green trees around the river complement the beauty of the Ayung River Rafting.